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Fat Tire Electric Tricycles: Everything You Need to Know About E Trikes w/ Fat Tires

Everything you need to know about fat tire electric tricycles. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry and today I'm going to talk to you about everything you need to know about fat tire electric tricycles. All right, so right here, I've got two of the sixthreezero fat tire electric trikes, the Simple Step-Thru e-trike, and also Evryjourney Electric Rickshaw, both linked in the description. Check them out on our website if you want more details. Now, if you're in the market for a fat tire electric tricycle, there are a couple of things you should know. Number one, When we talk about fat tires, we're talking about three inches or greater. Now, on both of these bikes, trikes, we've got four-inch wide tires. And actually, both of these have the same setup, which is the front wheels are 24 by four and the rear wheels are 20 inches by four inches. So it's set lower in the back. So if you're looking for a fat tire trike, I would say look at three inches or wider and above. In addition to that, you're going to find varying sizes of tires. You're going to find some fat tire e-trikes that are all 20-inch wheels.

You may find all 24-inch wheels, or you may find what we've done, which is a larger 24-inch front wheel and smaller rear. We like that because it sets the rear lower, and creates a little more balance and stability on the turns. Now, in addition to that is motor size and motor location. On a fat tire e-trike, you're gonna find typically either a front hub motor or a mid-drive motor. There also are rear drive motors as well. I would say any of those is a possibility. Now, if you're gonna be doing a lot of off-roading and you're gonna do a lot of trail riding or uphill, like uphill on off-road, then you probably wanna look for a mid-drive motor. It's going to be a little more costly, but it's going to give you more torque to get up the hills. The other thing is, you're probably going to want a bigger motor if you're specifically going off-road dirt trails. When I say dirt trails, I don't mean hard-pack trails. I mean like real off-roading dirt trails. So a mid-drive motor might be good for that, especially if there are hills on these off-road trails. If you're doing hard-pack trails or pavement, a front hub, or a rear hub motor, should be more than enough. And when you talk about pavement, you're talking about it's only legal to have a 750-watt or below to be on pavement. Now, if you're going off-road, depending on where, private property, things like that, you could have 1,000 watts, 1,500 watts, whatever you want.

So really think about what you're gonna do. If you're a hunter and you wanna be out in the fields and you want something rugged, maybe look at a mid-drive, maybe look at 750 watts and above. 1000 watt, 1500 watt, depends on also what you're lugging around. Something like our Simple Step-thru 750-watt front hub, it's a great all-purpose trike, but it's not necessarily going to be something you want to like you know, throw all your gear in and try to go off-roading into the mountains. We do have the rugged tires on there because we want riders to be able to go on trails and do a little bit of off-roading, but there are better options if you're going to do that serious type of off-roading and also do major, major hills, and as I said, the mid-drive's gonna give you more torque. Now, with all of this comes price, right? So when you talk about cost, a rear hub drive, a rear-drive, or a front hub motor is generally always gonna be less expensive than a mid-drive. Mid-drive's gonna be more expensive. So you must think about your needs, how heavy are you, where are you gonna ride, because as you start increasing battery size, increasing motor size, you start to elevate the costs. Now, again, our Simple Step-thru we also put a very low step through so something to think about as well. As you, as the rider, what's important? Is the mounting and dismounting important? Or is the power important?

Or is some combination of both of those important to you? You can see the Rickshaw has a step-through as well, just not as low as the simple step so both of these are designed for a rider that wants something comfortable, easy to get on and off, but also powerful and able to take on different terrains. Now, another thing with a fat tire electric trike is maybe you want some shocks. You can see on the front here, we have these shocks that can move up and down. The beauty of the fat tires is it's going to absorb a lot of the shock. Also, if you have the front shock, it's going to absorb it as well. So we have it on both of these models here. And again, great option. Now, the rickshaw is a 21 amp hour because we're carrying big loads. This is a 15 amp hour. So in terms of battery size, think about how much you weigh, how much you're going to be bringing with you, and also the fat tires. What's your expectation of range? The more cargo, the heavier the rider, and the shorter battery life you're going to get. So you want a very large battery. That's why it's a 21 amp hour in the rickshaw. and a 15 amp hour on the simple step through here as well. And then from there, find the position you like, the sitting position, the riding position find what you like, what looks good. There are more rugged styles than what we've got here.

We have stepped through, we have more curvature. It's really up to you to decide, you know, what look suits your needs. But just keep in mind, The number one thing is as you go from motor and battery size up, your price will go up. As you go to a mid-drive, the price will go up as well. So think about where you're gonna ride and what you're using this product for. Then you can match that up with the necessary specs. And if you have questions about any of that, I'm happy to help and happy to answer. Reach out to us at or call us at 310-982-2877. And we have a 30-day test ride, your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're gonna warranty everything for up to a year. Parts and labor will take care of it. Don't worry about it. No questions asked. And lastly, join our Facebook group. It's called sixthreezero Pedalers. There are thousands of members in there. Talk to existing riders about their bike, and how they like it before you purchase so you can get comfortable. Then when you have yours posting the group, make friends. It's tons of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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